



「変化」との関係で、開発の分野では比較的新しい手法として注目されつつあるAppreciative Inquiry(AI)についてご紹介します。CDRTでは、これまでに3回にわたってAIの研修をスタッフに対して行ってきました。はじめの2回はインドのMYRADAからトレーナーを呼んで研修を実施してもらい、3回目は6月に私ともう一人のスタッフで研修を行いました。今までCDRTにおけるAIの活用は、極めて限られた場面で、しかも試験的にだけ実施されてきましたが、今後はもっと積極的に活用していくことを考えています。

AIは、ビジネス業界の組織開発(Organizational Development = OD)やチェンジマネジメント(Change Management)といった分野で、広く活用されている手法で欧米の企業などで成功を収めています。開発支援の業界では新しい手法ですが、ビジネス業界では70年代後半から活用が始まっています。

AIとは、問題を発見・分析し、それを解決するという従来の「問題解決型」アプローチではなく、組織や個人のよい部分を見つけ、それを伸ばしていくことによって、目標を達成していくことを目指すアプローチです。手順は単純で、4Dサイクルと呼ばれ、文字通り4つのステージからなります。4Dとは、Discovery、Dream、Design、Delivery (Do)です。詳しい説明は、あとで紹介するサイトをご参照いただくとして、Discoveryとは、それまでにうまくいったこと、嬉しかったこと、楽しかったことなど、過去において経験したポジティブなことを発見すること。Dreamとは、発見した長所や強み、そして成功の要因を踏まえたうえで、今後のビジョンや夢を描くこと。Designとはビジョンを実現するための計画を立てること。そして、Delivery (Do)とは、その計画を実行することです。AIの強みとは、どんな人あるいは組織であっても、それまでに何らかのことで成功したことがあり、そのポジティブなエネルギーを最大限に引き出すことで、当事者自身が自分の力で将来のビジョンを実現することを手助けするということです。









Appreciative Inquiry - A Continuous Process of Deeper Change

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Workshop was held in Mrauk Oo from 10 to 16 June 2004. There were 32 participants, including three from AMDA and one from MOTIVE. U Than Tun, Technical Specialist, facilitated the Workshop, assisted by Hiro Akaso. The training had four-day classroom sessions, followed by two-day field exercises and half-day wrap-up and feedback.

I am very happy that I participated in this workshop because I have so much hope in AI. I believe it is not just another tool but a paradigm shift. As I have also experienced it, AI can totally change the way we "see" the world. It can bring about change inside us as well as our partner villagers, which I believe are very important to development.

What does AI try to achieve? It is actually very similar to our development work. Simply put, development is a process of change but more than just a change on the surface. Alan told me an interesting interpretation of why so many communities proposed school construction in our project. Of course, it is a rare opportunity for them to have a school and also believed good for children's future. At the same time, however, it is relatively an "easy" change because it does not require much change in the way they are accustomed to think and act.

It is not fair to blame only poor villagers for their apathy toward change. They sink into apathy because their hopes and efforts for positive change have been thwarted again and again. They must have felt powerless and hopeless for countless times. AI can be effective in these circumstances because it helps people tap into their energy and break through this apathy together as they discover their own strengths and find new hopes.

When we practice AI for positive change, it is important to remember the Five Principles.
- Constructionist Principle: "words create worlds"
- Simultaneity Principle: "inquiry creates change"
- Poetic Principle: "we can choose what we study"
- Anticipatory Principle: "image inspires action"
- Positive Principle: "positive questions lead to positive change"

These Principles guide us in practice. As many of us have learned in the past AI workshops, there are numerous exercises we can use in applying AI, but we must not repeat one sequence of exercises mechanically. Follow these Principles and be innovative. Invent your own way of applying the Principles. Use your own best judgment at all times.

There might be some limitations to applying AI, and they often lie within us. First, people may not initially feel free to discuss openly their success stories and strengths if some are skeptical and ridicule the others. So, the facilitator needs strong skills to create a positive environment where nobody is worried about speaking positively in public. In addition, the facilitator also needs good interview skills to help people find out what they are good at. Storytelling is one of the most critical parts of AI. Inquiry is intervention.

Second, if the facilitator does not sincerely believe that the group is capable of success, they will not succeed. If we look for successes, we will find and even create more successes. And if we look for failures, we will find and create more failures. So, the facilitator's attitude is also very important in bringing the best out of people. Remember the Pygmalion effect.

Third, AI takes time. It is not a one-off exercise but continuous process, the 4D Cycle. When the facilitator initiates the AI process, he or she can first facilitate the group to discover their success stories in life. But later on, they can look back and find root causes of the success from their activities. In other words, they can learn from their own experience and generate energy and confidence, leading them to take further actions. So, an important role of the facilitator is to set a generative learning process into motion and motivate the group to continue the cycle of reflection and action.

AI is a powerful tool to bring about profound change among people. I hope that we will be able to institutionalize AI in CDRT and apply it both in our partner villages as well as in our project operation and management.

Note: This article assumes that readers have some experience in AI, but please share your AI experience and discuss with other coworkers who do not know about it.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" (Gandhi)

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Hiroyuki Akaso All rights reserved.